From where does the Internet come?

Do you know from where does the Internet comes? Some where thinking from satellite, some that there is a huge setup in the world.
But our 99% Internet works on optic fiber cables via sea.
When Internet reaches to you it passes from 3 different companies.

First is Tier 1 Company- It is the company who has set up their optic cables all over the world in sea. In India it is tata communication company .
Reliance jio launches Asia-Africa-Europe submarine cable system to cater to video demand .
The life span of these cable is 25 years. We can replace it or connect with a new wire there.

Tier 2 company- It connects Internet inside the country. They buy Internet from tier 1 company.

Tier 3 company - It works in local like ticonar, hetway, they buy Internet from tier 2 company. Then it comes to you with best Internet speed.



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